What is Yoga?

 Yoga is often misunderstood; it is not about how flexible your body is nor is it striving to present the perfect pose. Yoga means Union or Connection.

Yoga is about connecting with self and harmonising the physical body with the mind and emotions allowing you to explore each posture, feeling into it wherever your level of experience is.  

Using a series of conscious movements with awareness on body and breath, you will discover your own natural boundaries unique to you. 

After time, these boundaries will naturally flow through into your daily life, helping you live with more balance and ease. 

This process gives you a structure through which you can nourish your body and mind rather than punishing it.

 The motivation for exploring the postures is it brings the benefit of allowing you to sit and be more easily in stillness. 

It is in this stillness where the real transformation and healing begins on many levels, through meditation, breathing practises relaxation and yoga nidra.

Yoga is suitable for everyone we all have unique bodies and limitations this is to be honoured and respected.

I can help you develop a much deeper understanding and a real connection to your true inner self.  Achieving this allows your body to respond to its needs appropriately, bringing with it great benefits.

If you are new to the self-care of yoga, meditation, relaxation and breathing techniques, now is always the perfect time to start.

If you are familiar to the practises, I would love to help you deepen them further.

Yogic Name – Meaning 

 Asana – Pose 

Pranayama – Breathing Practise

Yoga Nidra – Deep Restorative Relaxation 

Mantra – Repeated phase or word

Meditation – Focused Relaxation

“Sarah’s intimate comprehension of the anatomy and systems of the human body, with her attention to individual students’ needs, make her yoga sessions something special.”


Weekly Classes

These wonderful classes allow you space to step off the hamster wheel of life.

10 mins: Settling the body.

40 mins: Exploring the body using subtle movements (Asana) encouraging the muscles to release and lengthen bringing a sense of freedom to the joints increasing mobilisaion . 

15 mins: Breathing Practise (Pranayama) promoting the release of anxiety and tension. helps balance physical and emotional body. 

25 mins: Relaxation – Yogic Nidra an incredible relaxing experience laying using mats pillows and blankets to restore and rejuvenate the body and mind.


Helps with emotional issues reducing stress, anxiety and insomnia.

Helps improve physical conditions like arthritis, joint pain, help with restricted movements 

Aids breathing conditions.

£10 per class 

Monday Therapeutic Yoga

Not available at present

Not available at present

Tuesday Therapeutic Yoga

6.15pm – 7.45pm (arrive 6.00pm)

Toynton All Saints Hall, Eastville Road Lincolnshire, PE23 5AJ

Wednesday Therapeutic Yoga

9.30am – 11.00am (arrive 9.15am)

Toyton All Saints Hall, Eastville Road Linconshire, PE23 5AJ

“Last night class was literally amazing.

I walked out in a completely different physical and mental state than the person who walked in!!!”

L Rossiter

Not sure where to start?